Lord, I thank you for the momma reading this blessing. Momma I’m speaking this prayer to you and for you.
Momma, thank you for your diligence, your persistence, and your love for your children. Thank you for every diaper you’ve changed and every butt you’ve wiped. Thank you for every load of laundry you washed, dried, and folded. Thank you for every meal you got on the table to feed your family. Thank you for every toy you have picked up, and every surface you have wiped clean. These are acts of love to God and your family. These little things that you do every day, the monotonous things that no one notices or thanks you for, are an act of devotion, and are well appreciated.
I pray a blessing over you! Bless the work of your hands, that everything you put your hands to will prosper and succeed.
God says, “You are my [daughter] whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (Mark 1:11). Even if today was one of those days where the kitchen’s a mess, you’ve got 4 loads of laundry waiting to be folded, your kids are constantly bickering, you’re fighting off a sickness, and you’re constantly on the edge of tears, even then, He loves you and is well pleased with you.
I pray health and wholeness over you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. He took stripes so that you would be in health.
I pray over your finances. I pray that you test him by bringing in the whole tithe (10%). Watch and see that he will fill your vats until they are overflowing!
I pray over your marriage. I pray you are unified with your husband. I pray that you respect your husband, regardless of his shortcomings. I pray you submit to his God-given leadership and come alongside him as his helpmeet.
I pray over your children. I pray for kindness and love in their hearts, for a repentant heart and a forgiving heart. I pray obedience over them. I pray that every day you train them up in the way they should go, even if that means one worship song at breakfast and the rest of the day gets off course.
Tomorrow is a new day, and you are a new creation. You are his dearly beloved, a holy nation, a royal priesthood. And He is well pleased with you.
I plead the blood of Jesus over you and your household. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.
Check out this post for ideas to incorporate prayer and the Word into your day: How to Find Prayer Time as a Busy Mom
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