Jesus demonstrated in Matthew 14 how to use what little we have to bless the crowds. Join me as I share how I feed my family spiritually and with a simple homemade bread. Lord, give us today our daily bread, so we may eat and be satisfied.

Image by David Beale
As a Christian mom, I sometimes wonder if I’m doing enough to “Train up a child in the way he should go“ (Proverbs 22:6). Do you ever feel that way?
I recently listened to a podcast about raising boys to men. In it, the woman shared a story of a moment of doubt that she took to the Lord. She said her family was in a good routine with homeschool and life. She had the thought, “what if someone had a video camera and watched our day? They would immediately judge what we’re doing, thinking it’s not good enough, wondering what the kids are even learning, etc.” Rather than sit in self pity and worry, she asked God about it. He took her to Jesus feeding the multitudes, Matthew 14:13-21. Jesus asked the disciples to “bring [the five loaves and two fish] here.” He didn’t ask them to bring or buy food for everyone. He asked them to bring what they had. And he multiplied it and made it more than enough for everyone present.
That’s how Jesus is, in all areas in our lives. We bring what we have, and he does the rest. As a mother, we need to surrender our weaknesses to God, bring what we do have (gifts, talents, experiences), and let him do the rest. Our children are learning if we do this. Our families are growing in the Lord if we show up with our best, even when we don’t feel it’s good enough.
So what does this look like? Every family is different. God gave YOU your children to fit into what YOU have to offer. There’s no perfect mold aside from Jesus’ perfect example.
How we integrate God in our daily lives
Here’s a few ways I integrate God and His Word into our daily lives. As of today, my kids are 4, 2, and 6 months, and I’m sure we will shift and adapt new methods as they grow.
- Scripture, Bible story, or devotional over breakfast 1-5 days per week
- Worship music daily, especially the first couple hours of the day.
- Prayers throughout the day: Blessing meals, asking the kids what they are grateful for, bedtime prayers of gratitude, pleading the blood of Jesus over our home and bodies, putting on the armor of God.
- Nap/Bedtime stories based on Bible stories. One of my daughters favorites is the parable of the sower from Matthew 13. That parable is taught through Sally the Dinosaur learning how to grow a garden.
- Using scripture to satisfy their curiosity and fears. My daughter was a afraid of me turning off the light at night one week (never an issue before). We talked about how God in the beginning separated the light from the dark, and said “It is good” (Genesis 1:18). If God says it is good, it is good. Then we went on to talk about how light and dark are different and so forth, but it was God’s word that brought the true peace to her spirit.
- Blessing: The last words out of my mouth most nights are words of blessing from the Bible. Some I speak nightly, others I confess as they fit into our day and the needs of my children. “You are blessed and highly favored. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are the righteousness of Christ. You have the mind of Christ. We take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.” And so forth. I’m hoping to write a whole post to elaborate on this.
I would love to know how you integrate God and the Bible into your day! What do your kids like the most? What conversations are sparked based on His word? If you can add one thing from my list into your day, what will you add? Please share in the comments!
Simple Homemade Bread
Now that we’ve fed our spirits, let’s feed our bodies! Jesus worked miracles with bread, so here’s a simple homemade bread recipe to satisfy your taste buds. Click here for the full tutorial!
Simple Homemade Bread
Would you like fresh, simple, homemade bread with about 5 minutes of hands on time? This bread not only tastes delicious, but it’s perfect for a busy schedule. You'll have a yummy loaf on the table in no time!
- 1 1/2 c warm water
- 1/2 tsp yeast
- 1 tsp salt
- 3 c flour (all-purpose works great. I often do about 1/2- 1 c whole wheat)
- Mix in the order listed: water, yeast, salt, flour. If you have time, let the water and yeast sit a few minutes first. This is a very sticky dough, no kneading required.
- Cover and rise 4-24 hours.
- Preheat oven to 450°. Line a bread pan with parchment.
- Poke/fold to get rid of bubbles.
- Plop dough in the bread pan and cover with another pan. Bake 30 minutes, or until golden brown (I often bake the last 5-10 minutes uncovered).
- Enjoy!
- Add 1-3 Tbsp sugar or honey for a sweeter loaf.
- Fold in dried herbs, pepper or cheese prior to plopping in pan. My favorite is rosemary and black pepper!
- Experiment with add-ins! This is a very forgiving loaf.
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