Do you have a child who loves to ask questions at inopportune moments? Like 20 minutes past bedtime? Or as you’re rushing out the door? Or when you’re in the middle of 5 things and just need 10 seconds to get your head on straight again?
Me too 😉

Image by Ben Griffiths
My daughter loves to ask questions at bedtime. LOVES to ask questions at bedtime. And they are often incredible questions. At bedtime. “Just one more question, mommy.” Famous last words, am I right?
Yet here’s the thing. When I take the time to answer her “last” question (aka 10 minutes later I realize how stealthy she was and cut her off!), it serves a valuable purpose in her life. Not only does it give her quality time with mom (her love language), but it validates her curiosity and desire to learn. When I am patient with her questions and take the time to answer them honestly (at the appropriate age level), her hunger to learn grows. She learns that momma doesn’t always know the answer to things, but I’m willing to do my best, even if it means continuing the conversation the next day after I do some research. I’ll say the first part again- it validates her curiosity and desire to learn!
You know what else is great about it? It stretches me, grows my faith, expands my knowledge of the Bible, and helps me understand my daughter better.
It connects us. It grows us. It expands our capacity.
Our children are capable of so much. Are you willing to meet them on their journey for wisdom?
Put It Into Action
Next time your child enters the “Question Zone,” set a physical or mental timer. I like 5-10 minutes. Give her free reign to ask questions and answer with your heart. When the time is up, kindly thank her for the questions and say you would love to answer more at another time.
Little Suzy starts asking questions before bed. You look at the clock, it’s 7:55, and you like her to be quiet by 8. Let her ask! Answer with love! You look at the clock again. It’s 8:00, but she’s in the thick of the “Question Zone.” Say, “Suzy, I love all your questions! You may ask 1 more, and then I would love to keep talking about this over breakfast tomorrow.” After her final question, be kind but firm, and do not continue the conversation.
What about you? Do you have a curious, question-filled child? Share your tips and tricks!
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