Hi and welcome to A Handful of Flour!!

My name is Kaci Payne. I’m a wife and mother of 3, and I live my life around the kitchen. My faith is woven into all that I do, and I believe in the abundance God has waiting for all of us who put our trust in Him. A Handful of Flour was born out of my love for homemade bread, but quickly centered around my love for God, cooking from scratch, and utilizing the amazing gifts he placed in our soil to nourish and heal my family.
In Leviticus, Gods’ people would honor, submit, and sacrifice to God with a “handful of flour.” In 1 Kings 17, God performed a miracle by taking a “handful of flour” and a small jar of olive oil (their last meal), and turning it into sustenance for many days for Elijah, a woman, and her son. God can use the little to make abundance, so I dedicate this blog to every momma and every little step we take to create a better life for our families. May you be as blessed reading it as I’ve been creating it!